

Does Masturbation Leads To lose weight - Is Masturbation Harmful? - 2021

Does Masturbation Leads To Muscle Loss - Masturbation Good Or Bad? - 2021

There is a major question in every one's mind who is in the fitness industry and the question is, does Masturbation Leads To Muscle loss?

Does it affect your fitness?

Why This Question?

The major reason for this question is, people think that if they masturbate, then their testosterone levels will go down and they will lose muscles.

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone is the number 1 male hormone which is responsible for everything in our body like hairs, our voice, muscle gain, fat loss, and etc.

This gives us our male characteristics. Females don't have this Hormone, that's why there is a major difference between male and female.

In this article, we will talk about sperm building properties and muscle building properties about testosterone.

NOTE :- First, lets know that masturbation is a natural thing. It's all natural for our body.

In a study, researchers found that on earth, more than 90 percent of males do masturbation and more than 80 percent of female do masturbation.

Still there are many questions about masturbation like, male think that if they masturbate then they will lose muscles.

Same, females think that if they do it then they will become infertile.

Let's clear all the myths and let's get to know the badass truth.

Does Masturbation Leads To Muscle Loss - Masturbation Good Or Bad? - 2021

Is Masturbation Good Or Bad?

There is no such scientific research which shows that doing masturbation is bad for our health or it leads to Muscle loss.

Doing masturbation is all healthy.
It's a part of our life. Its natural. The most powerful and dynamic in this world is sexual energy.

Muscle Building And Masturbation / Sex

When you do sex or do masturbation then the sperms  get out from your body and then your body take approximately 24 hours to 48 houra to reproduce it.

Now, where is the problem if it's natural.

The first priority of our body is to produce sperms not muscle building or fat loss.

So, When you do it everyday or many times in a day then your body just reproduces sperm again in 24 to 48 hours and after this process your body starts the muscle building or fat loss.

But, if you are doing it everyday, the process of Muscle building and fat loss is delayed because you are not giving your testosterone to build your muscles or lose fat.

And, if you are doing Masturbation for a month, your body just delayes the process of your goals and this is the problem most teenagers face.

How Much?

How much can we masturbate in a week is a big question.

It depends on individuals. 

Because, for some people, doing masturbation every day is addiction, for some people doing masturbation 2 to 3 times in a week is addiction.

But, simply, doing 2-3 Times in a week is completely healthy.

Because, you are also giving your body to focus on muscle building or fat loss.

In my opinion, doing 2 times in a week is completely healthy. Because in this situation your body has so much time for building muscle or losing fat.

Or any other goal you have, doing masturbation twice a week is completely healthy.

This will not affect your strength and endurance level.

Bodybuilders, sports men, basketball players, or any kind of person who is in sports, they just do once a week maximum.

Does Masturbation Leads To Muscle Loss - Masturbation Good Or Bad? - 2021

Does It Affect Muscle Building?

As I said, it's completely a natural process. If you do it once or twice a week. It's completely fine.

But doing it everyday, then yes, it will Affect your fitness goals.

The more you do, the more you will become weaker inside.

Everything in life, doing too much will have a side effect.

If you are eating too much eggs, too much whey protein, too much running, too much driving, too much sleeping, too much drinking water, all this will have side effects.

Benifits Of Masturbation And Sex

There is lots of benefits of having sex and doing masturbation.
  • Release stress
  • Increase focus
  • Release sexual desire
  • You will feel happy
  • No nightfall problem
  • High sex time

Side Effects Of Masturbation And Sex

There is also so many side effects of doing it and sex too much :-
  • Stress
  • Low Focus
  • Low confidence
  • Weeker from inside
  • Very low sex time
  • No strength
  • No muscles
  • No fat loss
  • Lose muscles
  • Lose weight
And many more. 

So, twice in a week is completely fine. Everything too much has side effects in the world and if you do it in a limited way then you can enjoy your life.



Doing masturbation and sex is all natural. It will not lead you to lose muscles. Just remember to do it in a limitation because this is the most powerful thing in the world.

Have it twice a week or once a week and achieve your goals too.

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